JoyBond Fine Grade Clay Bar 200gram


Sale price$39.95
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JoyBond Fine Grade Clay Bar

JoyBond Fine Grade Clay Bar is the only high quality patented of professional detailing clay, MADE IN JAPAN. With a proper application, it will effectively and safely remove dust particles, rust, industrial fall-outs, over-sprays, tar spots and other stubborn contaminants without causing any harm to the original paint.

Most of these contaminants are not visible to the eyes but when you run your palm across the paintwork, you will find all these pollutants protruding the surface and has already embedded onto the finish. It will help to restore the smoothness of the paint surface, to improve the glossiness of the paint and to protect 

It is safe to be used on Glass Coating as well.

  • Paint over-spray
  • Tree sap
  • Bug residue
  • Industrial fallout 
  • Stubborn dirt
  • Rust
  • Tar

Weight: 200grams

Country of origin:Japan

    If you're not using JoyBond Fine Grade Clay Bar on your paint, then you're not seen the full gloss, that will reflect from a clean surface. 

    JoyBond Fine Grade Clay, is safe on all types of vehicles, from cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats and Airplanes.

    JoyBond Fine Grade Clay is clear-coat safe and can be used on paint, chrome, glass, fiberglass and plastic.

    Directions for Use:

    1. Thoroughly wash and rinse the entire vehicle. Make sure the car is cool to touch.
    2. Open up your clay bar and break it off to a manageable piece, use a third of the piece. If it is too small, the clay may be slip off from your finger during the claying process.
    3. Spray Clay Lube or any clay you have, on a 60cm x60cm surface area.
    4. Work on the clay by kneading and flattening it into a pancake shape using your thumb to about the size of your palm.
    5. Apply a plenty amount of lubricant to paint the surface so that the clay will be able to glide on the surface and will not mar the paint.
    6. Working the clay to the paint surface, rubbing it gently back and forth against the paint, and moving from edge to edge of the work area in a straight line. You may adjust your finger’s pressure according to how dirty the paint is. Allow the clay to do the work, and apply more lubrication if necessary.
    7. As and when the surface of the clay is dirty, you need to fold and re-knead it to expose a fresh, clean surface of the clay. When the whole clay is very dirty
    8. Dispose it and use the another clay.
    9. After all contaminants have been removed, wipe away any residue or remaining lubricant off to ensure any loose soiling is removed from the surface.

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